Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
To access the Naboo Starfighter, type in HALIFAX? as your
password. Then select Enter Code, then type in !YNGWIE!.
Select Enter Code again, and you'll have full access to the Naboo
Starfighter. (NOTE: You can ONLY select the Naboo Starfighter on
missions where the X-Wing is available.)
To access the secret AT-ST bonus level enter the password
CHICKEN. Note that this is a two player co-op mini-game. The
first player is the legs and the second player is the head and guns.
If you don't have two controllers, use the analog stick for walking
and press the A button with it to run. To firs, press the B button,
and to tilt your head, press the Z button while moving the analog
Enter DIRECTOR on the Password screen, and it will take
you to a black screen. Highlight back to complete the code. Go back
to the Passwords screen and enter MAESTRO amd it will take you
back to the same black screen you were on earlier, but this time you
will be able to access the AT THE MOVIES and CONCERT HALL
To fly the Electra, enter KOELSCH at the code screen.
This only works on V-Wing levels. (NOTE: Any time you hit START to
pause the game, it freezes up and must be restarted)
Enter the password TIEDUP to access the TIE Interceptor.
It is hidden behind the Millennium Falcon in the hangar. You need to
push up on the stick to get to it.
Enter the password BOTHSH and you will see the two
shuttles between the Y-wing and the V-wing.
To play as a Trade Federation Droid Fighter from Star Wars:
Episode I, enter the password TRADE?. You will see that ship
between the X-wing and the A-wing.
To fly any ship you want (in some levels), enter TINMAN
Enter the following at the password screen…
TOUGHGUY..................All power-ups
ACE......................Harder difficulty
IGIVEUP..................Unlimited lives
DEADDACK..................All levels and bonus levels
FARMBOY...............Fly Millennium Falcon for some missions
BLAMEUS...............View pictures of the producers
RADAR...............Different radar (objects with higher altitudes displayed brighter)
CREDITS...............View Credits
HARDROCK................After demo, Luke's face changes
GUNS?.....................Infinite weapons
SHIELDS?...................Shield generator