Enter these codes at the Arcade Menu. The effects are only enabled in the Arcade
A, Left, Left, C-Down, A, Right, Z...............Access All Cars
A, Left, Left, Right, Down, Z....................Access All Tracks
Up, Up, Z, B, A, Left, Left......................Access Helmet Car
B, B, A, Left, Left, C-Down, A, Right............Access Beachball car
C-Down, Up, B, Right, A, C-Down, A, Right........Access Ice Cube Car
Start a new race then press Right, Up, Left, C-Down, Right, Down, Z.....Mirror Tracks
Down, A, Right, Z, Right, Up, C-Down at the menu screens before the race......Milk Truck
C-down, Z, B, Up, Up, Right......................Rainbow Mode